NOTE: The below activities are covered under this policy as well as leisure cycling and any of the other activities listed in any Activity Pack chosen (and paid for).
You must make sure that the activity is properly supervised and that you wear the correct safety equipment (such as protective headwear, life jackets etc.)
Where indicated by a 1,2,3,4, activities may include one or more of the corresponding conditions:
- there is NO cover under Section 10 (Personal Liability)
- there is NO cover under section 4 (Personal Accident)
- there is NO cover unless the activity is taking place within organised guidelines and as part of an organised activity led or instructed by professional guides or licensed organisers and THREE TIMES THE STANDARD EXCESS WILL BE PAYABLE ON ALL CLAIMS.
- There is no cover when racing
- Abseiling (within the organiser’s guidelines)
- Aerial Safaris (in chartered aircraft and an organised excursion)
- Aerobics
- Amateur Athletics
- Angling
- Archaeological digging 1, 2
- Archery
- Assault course
- Badminton
- Bamboo rafting
- Banana boating (as a passenger only) 3
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Battle Re-enactment
- Beach games
- Big game hunting 1, 2
- Billiards/snooker/pool
- Blading (no stunts)
- Board Sailing
- Body boarding
- Boogie Boarding
- Bowling/Bowls
- Boxing/Boxing fitness
- Bungee jumping (only as short duration incidental day excursion with licensed public hirer)
- Cable Car Ride
- Camel riding/trekking 1, 2
- Canoeing/Rafting/White Water Rafting/Kayaking grades up to grade 5
- Canyoning
- Catamaran/ Yachting/Sailing
- Cave diving or potholing (no solo diving) 2
- Clay pigeon shooting/small Bore target shooting/rifle range 1, 2
- Climbing (on climbing wall only)
- Climbing up to 3,500 metres on slopes classified as facile or easy including rock scrambling
- Cricket
- Croquet
- Cross Country Running
- Crossfit
- Curling
- Dancing (including lesson participation)
- Darts
- Deep sea fishing
- Dinghy Sailing
- Dragon Boat Racing
- Driving any motorised vehicle that you are licensed to drive in your home country (other than in motor rallies or competitions) 1, 2
- Dry Slope Skiing
- Elephant riding/trekking 2
- Falconry 2
- Fell Running (up to 3,500 metres)
- Fell Walking (up to 3,5000 metres)
- Fencing
- Fishing
- Fives
- Flag American Football
- Flying as a passenger in an aircraft (private plane/helicopter/glider)
- Flying as pilot 1, 2
- Football
- Frisbee/Ultimate Frisbee
- Fruit or vegetable picking (under 3 metres)
- Functional training/Functional fitness
- Glass bottom boats/bubbles (as a passenger only)
- Gliding as a passenger and with a qualified pilot 1, 2
- Go karting up to 200cc (within organiser’s guidelines) 1, 2, 4
- Goalball
- Golf (applicable to playing golf. There is no cover for loss of green fees, loss of golf equipment or any hole-in-one fees)
- Gorilla Trekking (organised tours only)
- Gym – Fitness
- Gymnastics
- Handball
- Hang gliding 1, 2
- Helicopter Rides (passenger only)
- High diving up to 5 meters (supervised pools only, no rock diving/jumping) 2
- Hiking up to 3,500 metres
- Hobie Cat Sailing
- Hockey/Shinty (must wear protective head gear)
- Horse riding (incidental, single day, excl. competitions, racing, jumping and hunting) 1, 2
- Hot air ballooning (passenger only, organised rides only) 2
- Hot Dogging up to grade 3
- Hot Springs
- Hovercraft passenger 1, 2
- Hunting, any use of firearm
- Hurling (amateur only)
- Hydro Zorbing
- Hyrox
- Ice Cricket
- Ice Skating (rink only)
- Ice Surfing
- Indoor climbing (on climbing wall only)
- In-line Skating (no stunts)
- Jet boating (passenger only) 1, 2, 4
- Jet skiing (18+) 1, 2, 4
- Jogging
- Judo
- Karate
- Kite Buggying/Boarding/ Surfing/foiling 2
- Korfball
- Lacrosse
- Land Skiing
- Llama Riding
- Marathon running
- Mule Trekking
- Netball
- Octopush
- Orienteering (up to 3,500 metres above sea level)
- Ostrich riding
- Paddle boarding
- Paintball/war games (wearing eye protection) 1, 2
- Parachuting tandem only 1, 2
- Paragliding/Parascending (over water only – not over land. Must be licensed operator with professional guide and only in EU, EEA, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.) 1, 2
- Pedalos
- Pilates/reformer Pilates
- Polo 2
- Pony trekking 2, 4
- Pool
- Power boating (passenger only, no racing and no competitions) 1, 2
- Quad biking/ATVs (wearing a helmet) 1, 2, 4
- Racketball/Rackets
- Rambling (up to 3,500 metres above sea level)
- Refereeing
- Reverse Bungee
- Rifle Range
- Ringo (as a passenger only) 1
- River bugging/Sledging/Tubing up to grades 3
- Roller skating/blading/in line skating (wearing pads and helmets)
- Rounders
- Rowing 4
- Rucking
- Rugby (Union/League) not professional
- Running
- Safari in a vehicle/Trekking/Tracking (organised tour, no firearms)
- Safari trekking (must be organised tour) 1, 2
- Sailing/ Yachting European waters only
- Sand Duning 1
- Sand Skiing 1
- Sand surfing 1, 2
- Sand yachting 1, 2, 4
- Sandboarding 1, 2
- Scuba diving up to a depth of 30 metres (must be PADI/BSAC qualified. No solo diving and subject to exclusions below)
- Sea Fishing
- Segway / electronic scooters
- Shark Diving (professionally supervised in a cage)
- Shooting (within organisers guidelines) 1, 2
- Shooting/small bore target/rifle range
- Skateboarding (wearing pads and helmets)
- Skin Diving (up to a depth of 30 metres (if qualified or accompanied by a qualified instructor and not diving alone)
- Skydiving (Tandem only)
- Slacklining
- Sledding/Sledging or Sleigh Riding (passenger only if pulled by Horse, Dogs or Reindeer)
- Small Bore Target Shooting
- Snooker
- Snorkelling
- Soccer
- Softball
- Spear fishing (without tanks)
- Speed Boating (passenger only)
- Speed sailing 1, 2, 4
- Sphering
- Spinning Class
- Squash
- Street hockey
- Surfing (no competitions,inland and coastal waters only 1
- Swimming
- Swimming with dolphins
- Swimming/bathing with elephants
- Sydney Harbour Bridge walk (organised and walking across clipped onto a safety line)
- Table tennis
- Tall ship crewing 1, 2, 4
- Ten pin bowling
- Tennis
- Touch Football
- Trampolining
- Tree Top Trekking/Canopy Walking (walking across roped)
- Tubing
- Tug of war
- Volleyball
- Wake boarding
- Walking/Fell Running/Trekking/ Hiking/ Orienteering/Rambling between 3,500 and 5,500 metres above sea level. On organised tour along recognised routes only. No search and rescue other than for medical reasons
- Walking/Fell Walking/Running/Trekking/Hiking/ Orienteering/Rambling up to 3,500 metres above sea level
- War game/paint balling (wearing eye protection) 1, 2
- Water Hockey
- Water polo
- Water skiing/water ski jumping 1, 2
- Weight lifting
- Whale watching
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Wicker basket tobogganing
- Wind tunnel flying (pads/helmets to be worn)
- Windsurfing/wind foliing/wingsurfing/wing foiling 1
- Yachting/Sailing (European Waters only)
- Yoga
- Zip lining/trekking (safety helmets to be worn)
- Zorbing/hydro zorbing/sphering 1
In relation to Diving, there are exclusions to the cover, which can be read in full in the policy wording but are summarised below:
No cover is available whilst diving:
- without holding a recognised certificate for that type of diving or
- while not being instructed by a professional or
- without the proper equipment or
- against recognised codes of good practice (for example, PADI or BSAC) or
- to a depth of more than 30 metres or
- Solo or
- at night or
- as part of an organised cave dive or
- for hire or reward
- if you are under age 12 or over 65.
There is also no cover:
- if taking a flight within 24 hours of your last dive or
- while suffering from a cold, flu, infection or sinus/ear problem.