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PedalCover founder wins Entrepreneur Wales Award

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We’ve got some exciting news to announce here at PedalCover.

One year in and not only is our hard work paying off through our huge number of happy customers, but our founder Darren has been crowned 2015’s ‘Micro Business Entrepreneur of the Year’.

Darren was awarded the 2015 Entrepreneur Wales Awards prize earlier this month at the national celebration of entrepreneurship that welcomed over 230 applications from businesses and entrepreneurs across Wales.

The award was presented at the ceremony attended by hundreds of business professionals at the Millennium Stadium, Cardiff.

Darren was recognised for spotting a gap in the market for an insurance provider that uniquely provides home and bike insurance for triathletes and cyclists.

It was Darren Thomas’ flair for creating a business opportunity in a niche market, marked by its loyal and increasing customer base that got him the prize.

The judges also commended PedalCover’s backing from one of the UK’s leading insurance providers, as well as being recommended by elite athletes.

Darren said: “As cyclists and triathletes we had found that when we came to insure all of our equipment, we were having to take out separate home and bike insurance, because the cover provided within a standard home insurance policy was not giving us enough cover for our bikes. We were also having to specify all of the bikes that you had, pushing the cost of the insurance premium up and often there was a limit placed on the value of our bike.

“We knew there must be an alternative to this and I was able to use my background in insurance to develop PedalCover’s unique policy. PedalCover saves time and money as it combines your home and bikes all under one policy, so if you’re like me and have a bike for every occasion, all your bike and accessories are covered worldwide, without the need to specify them individually.

“We have been overwhelmed by the response that we’ve had in our first year. It proves that there really is a gap in the market for us. Winning this award caps what has been a fantastic year for us. We’ve got great clients, a great team and a great product, so I couldn’t be happier right now.”

We want to thank you all for being part of our PedalCover journey so far and hope this award is the first of many as we continue to provide the best tailor-made cover for our clients.

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