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Win six months triathlon coaching with Matt Bottrill Performance Coaching Ltd

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Got a goal in mind for the season ahead? Let us help you get there with our exclusive competition.

Win coaching with British cycling champion turned triathlete Matt Bottrill and his company Matt Bottrill Performance Coaching.

Matt is one of Pedalcover’s treasured ambassadors. He has over 79 national medals, 500 race wins and has represented the GB cycling team on over 30 occasions.

In 2015 after much success in the time trial arena, Matt made the decision to transition to triathlon and in 2016, he launched a new performance cycling team – Team Bottrill.

The coaching will include:

  • Initial consultation with Matt including discussion of lifestyle circumstances, bike assessment, swim analysis and detailed rider questionnaire
  • Zone structure for each discipline individual to each athlete
  • Calculated daily training peaks plan
  • Online portal to guide training, only accessible to coached athletes incorporating swim drill videos
  • Cycle training in the Matt Bottrill performance coaching methodology
  • Progressive swim and run training which enhances fitness practiced in the correct technical way
  • Exclusive discounts to coached riders
  • A dedicated Company Administrator and Accounts Manager
  • Follow up technical assessments
  • Unlimited coach contact and regular Skype calls, share screen analysing of training peaks data

As part of the prize, we’ll also throw in a set of Pedalcover kit as worn by our GB athletes.

To win tell us in 50 words or less why you should win this fantastic prize. Email your answer to enquiries@pedalcover.co.uk by 30th April 2017.

Please note if you win, you will be required to provide us with a short monthly blog about your progression for our website and social media pages.

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The Old Mill, Ewenny, CF35 5BN
0800 121 4424
Lines Open Mon-Fri 9-5pm