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GB athlete advice for ITU Chicago World Championships

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We here at PedalCover take a keen interest in our customers’ lives and experiences.

We have recently insured lots of new client who will be competing for the first time in a GB age group event at ITU Chicago World Championships in September.

As our thanks to you for choosing us as your worldwide triathlon and cycling insurance partner, we have gotten in touch with some of Britain’s best triathletes in order to give you lucky few competing in Chicago a bit of final advice.

Thomas Bishop, who recently came 5th at the Geneva ETU Triathlon Championships, recognises the importance of preparation. He says: “My best bit of advice for your first major event would be to keep your preparation the same, don’t change anything. Most likely you qualified for the event through one of your best performances, so try and repeat it. Do the same training you did before your qualifier; don’t try to squeeze any extra fitness out. Eat the same pre-race meal, keep your running trainers the same and don’t try any new tricks you may have read or see the pros do. Keep it simple and not much will go wrong.”

After finishing third in the GB Olympic test event in Rio, Vicky Holland’s advice is also to do with preparation, but more about arriving early to give yourself time to adjust to the new conditions. She says: “If you can travel over a week before the race. This gives you a few days to adjust to the new time zone, check out the course, get your bearings, get over any jet lag and also enforces you to rest up into the race. Ideally arrive on the Monday or Tuesday before the weekend race if you can. We will be going to Edmonton two weeks before the race which is not a million miles away from Chicago so we get use to the conditions.”

Adam Bowden, who came in 12th in the Rio qualification event, is adamant that a positive attitude is the best way to succeed in any race. He says: “All the hard work is done now. When you’re on that start line all you need to say to yourself is: I deserve to be here and I will take this opportunity to do as well as I possibly can and ultimately enjoy myself.”

We hope this helps you with your final preparations for Chicago and look forward to hearing how you get on. If you still need to arrange insurance for the event, please get in touch.

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