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Top 5 routes in Mallorca

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Mallorca, the largest of Spain’s Balearic Islands, has become a top destination for cycling enthusiasts from around the world. With its warm Mediterranean climate, varied terrain, and stunning scenery, it’s easy to see why. The island’s landscape ranges from flat coastal plains to rugged mountain ranges, providing a diverse range of cycling routes for riders of all levels. Additionally, Mallorca boasts a well-maintained network of roads, as well as dedicated cycling paths, making it an ideal destination for those looking to explore on two wheels. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or a beginner, Mallorca offers an unparalleled cycling experience that is sure to leave you breathless in more ways than one. In this article, we check out the top 5 rides Mallorca has to offer.

Sa Colobra

Sa Calobra is an absolute must-mention when discussing cycling in Mallorca. This climb consistently features on lists of Europe’s top ascents and is a popular destination for every cyclist visiting the island. It’s not hard to see why, as it offers the most challenging climb on the island and a unique experience in itself. The 360-degree loop at the summit keeps any rider alert, and as you descend the 11km, you can’t help but wonder how you’ll muster the energy to ascend again. Once you reach the bottom, the picturesque town of Sa Calobra and the glittering sea vista await you. There are also cafes where you can grab a refreshment before starting your ascent again. Despite being a strenuous climb, it’s a rewarding one.

However, be mindful of the buses while navigating the hairpin turns, as it can be unpleasant to meet them on the road. A one-way system is in place, and they only descend in the late morning, with the direction reversed in the early afternoon. To avoid constantly playing chicken with them, we suggest arriving at Sa Calobra around midday.

Col de Sa Batalla

This 8km climb from the town of Selva is arguably the most beautiful ascent on the island, winding its way around the hillside and through the serene trees. It’s a peaceful climb and an excellent option for solo cycling since the gradient isn’t steep. The views you encounter are breathtaking, and it can also offer a bit of relief from the afternoon heat. As is the norm with all the fantastic cycling routes in Mallorca, there’s a café available at the top for refuelling before heading back down to Pollenca via the Lluc descent, or continuing onwards to Sa Calobra or Puig Major.



While moving away from the typical tourist destinations, we highly recommend that all cyclists visit Petra. This charming town square, complete with a fountain and church, offers a glimpse into Mallorcan culture while also providing an unforgettable cycling experience. During the season, the square bustles with cyclists, and the coffee and cake available here are simply irresistible. Take a break, immerse yourself in the ambiance, and browse the cycling kit store that offers great discounts. If you’re looking for a more rural Mallorcan cycling experience, head over to the Cami de sa Vall on the MA3321. You can choose to savor the winding descent on the smooth tarmac or plan a route that involves climbing up.


The route from Puerto Pollenca, which is an out-and-back trail, offers a breathtaking cycling experience. As you ascend from the port, the road leads to a stunning lookout point that overlooks the bay, providing an opportunity to catch your breath before proceeding down a winding road with a few hairpin turns. The path leads through a tree-lined road to the coast, where it snakes around the cliffs before finally arriving at the iconic lighthouse. At the lighthouse, you can relax and take in the stunning view, and prepare for the return journey as the route is straightforward and almost impossible to lose track of. For an optimal experience, we recommend embarking on this ride early in the morning before the roads get crowded. Our preferred time is around 7 am, before breakfast, as it allows you to fully appreciate the route’s beauty.

Andratx to Pollenca

One of Mallorca’s notable attractions is a route that runs from the southwest to the northeast of the island, crossing the Tramuntana mountain range. As you travel along this path, which passes through Valdemossa, Deia (the location where some scenes from the Night Manager were filmed), Soller, and over Puig Major (the highest and longest climb on the island), the views you encounter are nothing short of spectacular. Finally, you descend into Pollenca via the renowned Lluc descent, which is one of our favorites as its long sweeping bends make for fast and easy descending.

If you’re staying in the northern part of the island, shuttle services are available to transport you to the starting point of this route. This eliminates the need to cycle all the way there and back, making it more convenient for you.


Don’t forget to make sure that if you are going away, you’ll need to have the correct level of insurance in place. Pedalcover offer a combined home and bicycle policy, travel insurance and also bicycle only insurance policies to cover cycling holidays abroad. If you need any help, just give the friendly support staff a call on 0800 121 4424.

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