I’m a safe cyclist, what’s there to worry about?
It’s a fact of life whether we like it or not, that cycling and crashing go hand in hand. It’s a given that you’re eventually going to eat some dirt when gravel riding or mountain biking, and in many cases, sliding off in the mud can be part of the fun. Unfortunately however, it’s not uncommon for a cyclist to be knocked off their bike by a vehicle. Thankfully it’s very rare for us to find that these sorts of collisions are caused intentionally and that vehicle drivers are often very shocked that they may have caused an accident and hurt someone.
In any case, we thought that we would write a guide on what you need to do if you are knocked off your bike.
If uninjured, here’s what to do
1-Get to safety
Try to get yourself and your bike to safety as quickly as possible. Sitting or standing in the road is not safe.
2- Stay warm
If the weather conditions aren’t great and you have a spare coat or gilet, put it on as soon as possible to keep warm as you’re likely to be at the scene for a while.
3- Obtain evidence
Take as many photos of the scene as possible. This includes taking photos of the vehicles registration and the location of the incident. Taking additional details such as name, address and telephone number of the person who may have caused the crash is essential. If there were any witnesses, take their details as they can give a witness statement
4- Remember you’re insured!
At this point in time, your safety and wellbeing is the most important factor. Leave the insurance claim to us. Don’t be tempted to settle for a cash offer from the driver if your bike or kit has sustained damage as there may be further unseen damage. Any roadside settlements made with the third party would therefore mean that you aren’t able to claim through your insurance policy with us.
5-Seek medical assistance
Visit your local Accident and Emergency or Minor Injuries department to be examined if you are unsure whether you have been hurt, especially if you hit your head. Do not continue cycling if you think you may have had a head injury; instead, call an ambulance right away.

What does the law say?
Section 170 of the road traffic act 1988 states that irrespective of who’s at fault, a driver involved in a road traffic accident which causes injury to another person or damage to another vehicle, property or animal, must stop at the scene of that accident to provide their details. If for whatever reason a driver does not stop to give their details or fails to report to the policy within 24 hours, they will be in breach of this act. It goes without saying that similar rules apply if a cyclist causes damage to someone else’s property. Pedalcover Home and Bike insurance policies all include £2m third public liability cover which will cover the cost to repair or replace other peoples property which has been damaged as a result of your crash.
Our top tips for new riders:
- When cycling through roundabouts, always keep your eyes on drivers who may be entering the roundabout. If you look for their eyes, you can usually tell if they have seen you or not.
- Always assume that you haven’t been seen and cover your brakes in anticipation that you’ve not been seen.
- When riding up to any junction or roundabout, ensure that you have safely positioned yourself in the road. Riding in the gutters gives you less space to avoid road debris and it also gives some motorists the feeling that they can squeeze past you.
- A small daylight running light on the back of you bicycle will give additional visibility.
- Always ride with a fully charged mobile phone.
- Before each ride, try and give your partner or riding friends an overview of where you’re going. This can help emergency services retrace your steps if you have had an accident and gone missing.
- Always carry a debit/credit card and cash. If you have had an accident and your bike is broken, having money on you can be useful if you need to pay for public transport or get food!
- If possible, avoid cycling into a low setting sun by planning your ride so that you’re headed East on your way home.
- If you are involved in a close pass, try to remain calm and do not react by swearing or shouting.
- Avoid fast sections of A roads where possible. In most cases, cycling on quieter B roads and Unclassified roads will reduce the amount of cars that pass you which in turn makes for a more enjoyable ride.
- Just remember; Always treat people with respect if there has been an accident. The chances are, that they are also very shocked and worried for your well being. Shouting or being aggressive won’t help you or them.
Making a claim is nice and easy, just follow the Pedalcover Bicycle claims link to get started.
If you’re not sure what you need to do, give us a call on 0800 121 4424