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Why you should consider an e-bike as your next bike

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Despite the cries from die-hard roadies that e-bikes are cheating, we’d like to think that the tide has turned and people are slowly realising what life-changing modes of transportation these machines can be. They’re not just bikes, they’re freedom enhancers, and can open up a world of opportunities for those who ride them. Let us explain why you should consider an e-bike as your next bike.

Ride further and faster

Having an electric bike means you can expand your ride limits. Whether you are put off by hills or want to ride for longer, having a motor to help will enable you to do these things. While in the UK an electric bike is only allowed to assist while you pedal, and up to a maximum speed of 15.5mph, the difference on inclines is impressive – particularly if you go for something with a mid-drive motor.

The battery ranges are now pretty good on mid to high-end bikes as well, with some even exceeding the 100-mile mark! Of course, each bike is different, and the range is impacted by various factors including rider weight, weather and terrain. However, you don’t have to use the assist all the time if you want to save the battery for when you need it most.

They make excellent commuters

Whether you currently ride to work and want something that will reduce the effort, or you want to ditch the car and start commuting in a greener and healthier way, an electric bike is a fantastic option for many. From zipping away from traffic lights quicker to getting to your destination feeling less sweaty, they make great alternatives to unassisted bikes or cars, trains and buses.

Urban-specific e-bikes often come with racks or baskets for you to store your luggage on, as well as mudguards and lights for the winter months. You don’t need anything fancy to improve your commuting experience, either. Many e-bikes around the £2k mark or below will make excellent hardy choices for commuting in all weathers.

They could replace your car

With the climate and cost-of-living crises beginning to bite harder than ever, there’s never been a better time to reduce car journeys. If you’re looking for an alternative to short trips, an electric bike could be the answer. There are plenty of types of e-bikes, with e-cargo being the most obvious car replacement. They come in various forms, but the main two are longtail (cargo goes on the back) or front-loading (cargo goes on the front).

Either is great for picking up the weekly shop or bigger loads like doing the school run with your kids. Not only that, but you’ll get exercise while doing it and save money on the costs associated with running a car!

They provide freedom

Not everyone can ride a bike. We don’t mean because they haven’t learned, but rather because of their health. From heart surgery recovery to getting a bit older and still wanting to enjoy bike riding, electric bikes can provide freedom to those who don’t want to or cannot ride an unassisted bike. They can help to keep your heart rate down but still allow you to ride as you want, whether that be on the road or the trail.

There are plenty of inspirational stories online from people who have had to give up their bike only to find that an electric one has allowed them to rediscover their joy of riding , but equally, you don’t have to need an e-bike before you buy one! They’re incredibly fun and bring out a smile when you try one for the first time. Check out how Hugh got on the first time he properly rode an e bike in this article!

This is a great time to buy one

Now that the technology has progressed and uptake has increased substantially, it’s easier to get hold of a decent e-bike at a lower price than ever before. Naturally, you can still spend thousands of pounds at the higher level, but you no longer need to for something reliable and fun to ride.

If you’re thinking of taking the plunge and treating yourself to a shiny new e bike, don’t forget to add it to your policy here. Or, If you have any questions about our insurance policies, just give us a call us for free on 0800 121 4424, or speak to us on live chat!


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