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6 alternative New Year’s resolutions for cyclists

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If you’ve been cycling for a while, conventional New Year’s resolutions might begin to lack a little bit of creativity. Instead of inspiring change or helping you rediscover your motivation for riding, they might end up doing the opposite and putting you off. So instead of the usual mileage targets or elevation goals, we’ve put together a list of alternative New Year’s resolutions to inspire you and your 2023 riding.  

1. Push your boundaries

We’re not (just) talking about Everesting or competing in a really long race, we’re talking about taking a leap with something that scares you, no matter how big or small it is to other people. This might be learning how to ride clipped in on the road, or perhaps nailing that trail or drop off that’s been just out of reach. Seeing improvement, whether it be on- or off-road, is achieved by pushing your boundaries. It’s hard to stop comparing yourself to others but even people like Rachel Atherton or Primož Roglič didn’t start cycling able instantly to descend like they do or climb as fast as they do. So just focus on pushing yourself and go one step at a time.

sportive rider during the tour of Cambridgeshire

2. Try/ride something new

Continuing the theme of pushing yourself, why not try a new discipline? It’s a great way to broaden your skillset, or at the very least, it’s something else you can learn about and discover the nuances of. Alternatively, if you think riding in the same places is not doing your mojo any good, can you ride somewhere new? It doesn’t have to be Mallorca or anywhere abroad, but you could set yourself the challenge of finding a new set of trails or some new lanes to ride.


3. Find the fun in what you’re doing/find a balance

If you’re not a professional, cycling shouldn’t take up your entire life. You may well have other commitments such as work and/or family life, and these shouldn’t be at the detriment of your hobby. Yes, cycling gives us a lot of benefits, but finding a balance is key to continuing to find the fun in this two-wheeled sport. If you need a rest, take it. And if you find yourself beginning to resent your bike, don’t be afraid to take some time off and do something else with your time. 

6 alternative new year resolutions for cyclists

4. Learn how to fix your bike

There’s nothing more empowering than learning to fix your bike yourself. Plus, it can come in quite handy if you’re stuck waiting for weeks on end for the local bike shop’s workshop to have a space open for you. With bike and part shortages continuing for the foreseeable future, the skill of maintaining and looking after your bike has never been so important. 


5. Volunteer

If you’ve been a cyclist for a while you’ll already be well-versed in the benefits of riding. So why not give back to the community and share your love of the sport? From becoming a ride leader to getting involved in grassroots racing, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer and to help make a difference in your region. You might help to inspire someone to ditch their car and start riding to work, or you could help at a race by becoming a marshal or commissaire, and encourage the next generation of professional cyclists to find their feet and progress through the ranks. 

6. Take a first aid course

Being prepared in the event of a crash or medical emergency is vital, and not just for while you’re cycling! With the continuance of the pandemic and the pressure on paramedics and the NHS, being able to help or knowing what to do in certain situations could save a life. Even if you never have to perform CPR, it’s great to take a first aid course and be prepared for any eventuality. 


Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to create an alternative resolution for 2023. Cycling doesn’t just have to be about raw data and logged miles, it’s about enjoying yourself and improving your skills. If you do find yourself doing something different, make sure you and your bike are insured with specialist cycling insurers like ourselves. We know cycling and we know how valuable bikes are in our lives, so we offer tailored policies for whatever type of riding you’ll be doing. Get a free no-obligation quote by visiting our website here. 

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